Letter published in the Boulder Daily Camera 10/95
I agree that our problem's traffic more than growth per se. This
City Council's proved it can't stop subsidizing the car problem
-by not charging the full costs of parking, for example- let alone
find practical solutions. They merely "address concerns"
with hot air and expensive outside concern-addressers.
So why exacerbate the problem -about 50%- with predominantly ugly
strip-mall growth while a new council tries to solve the car problem?
Give Boulder's boom a brake for the 5 years Slow Growth! Initiative
2A lasts. Let some of the jobs go to Boulder's bedroom communities
to the East, so there's less total commuting.
The Slow Growth candidates have already started "gathering
the best sentiments" of the citizens (as did the US Constitution's
framers) to solve traffic and other problems. They successfully
opposed last year's slickly-promoted but ill-conceived Transit
Tax -which was backed by the same developers now fighting Slow
Growth! Developers loved it because citizens, not developers would
have paid for most of the costs of growth Council can't say no
Kevin Rooney in particular walks (and bikes) his talk and has
worked with
Bolder Bicycle Commuters and tried to work with the
City to promote better transportation. He understands what the
majority of his fellow drivers do: any transportation system must
be fast and easy to use. That means straight bus routes on a simple
grid. The current bus system is designed to weave bus routes within
1/4 mile of every house. Radio-dispatched -perhaps privatized-
cabs and vans would take people to the main routes, or their destinations,
as could bikes, which could be parked at bus stops or taken aboard.
This is balanced, integrated transportation, which puts enough
riders on each vehicle to dramatically reduce pollution, congestion
and RTD's tax subsidy, one of the highest in the world.
Don't let your Council be ruthless! Vote for Ruth Blackmore, Ben
Lipman, Lisa Morzel, Steve Pomerance and Kevin Rooney!
Evan Ravitz
University Hill