Economist Magazine articles on Direct Democracy
- 2/12/04 Something to be proud of
- 2/12/04 Voting as a way of life
- 1/23/03 Power to the people
- 8/12/99 “The People’s Voice”
- 3/15/99 “Happiness is a Warm Vote”
- 8/15/98 “How Far Can You Trust the People?”
- 5/28/98 “Lex Populi”
- 12/21/96 Special Section: Full Democracy” 8 part 120th Anniversary Edition
1. It means government by the people, and we are the people
2. So long as it’s clear who’s in charge
3. Here is how it can be done better
4. Life at the democratic roots
5. The arguments that won’t wash
7. Why the time for change has come
- 6/17/95 “The Future of Democracy”