voted #1 for the next President's agenda:
Evan Ravitz, founder 303-440-6838
Iridescent Clouds, Boulder
"Fool's gold exists because there is real gold." -Rumi

Published writing and broadcasts of Evan Ravitz

Interview on KGNU radio 11/28/07 (starts 7:30 in, past music and news)

Interview on We the People radio 11/26/07

Biking to Better the World, Boulder Daily Camera 3/3/07

Initiatives give power to the people (a response to our ex-City Councilman), Boulder Daily Camera 4/10/04

Darkness before Dawn, Counterpunch 11/6/01

Facts on vote fraud -and some solutions, Boulder Daily Camera 11/25/00

'Nothing is what it seems' in Ramsey case, Boulder Daily Camera 4/29/00

The masks fall, and the truth is ugly, Colorado Daily 10/11/99

The big picture on city's effort to curb driving, Boulder Daily Camera 4/20/97

Traffic circles of hell exemplify city's misguided policy , Boulder Planet 12/4/96

Stop the Transportation Master Plan, KGNU 5/16/96

Transportation Master Plan going nowhere (again), Boulder Daily Camera 4/13/96

How I was 'terminated' by the Colorado Daily, Boulder Weekly 3/28/96

U.S. policy helped fuel rebellion in Mexico, Boulder Daily Camera 1/27/96

letter re: fleecing the flock, NEXUS magazine 11/95

letter with election endorsements, Boulder Daily Camera 10/95

The eagle and the snake, Colorado Daily 4/21/95

Recant? Never!, Colorado Daily 3/95

Modal Shift in the Boulder Valley, KGNU 3/21/95

City thumbs its nose at the city, citizens, Colorado Daily 3/12/95

This morning we look at transportation, our biggest problem, KGNU 2/20/95

Transportation division takes citizens for a ride, Colorado Daily 2/15/95

The local solution to car wars, Colorado Daily 1/95

Car wars, Colorado Daily, early 1/95

We need transit. But not ballot issue 2A. And not the politics that produced it., Colorado Daily 10/94

Mall 'rules' must honor the Constitution, Camera 7/31/94

Prepare to cough up big bucks for 'your' new transportation solution, Colorado Daily 7/20/94

What's happening in Mexico?, Colorado Daily 5/94

Air Farce Colorado Daily 12/93

Voting by mail isn't better than by phone, Boulder Daily Camera 11/19/93

Save Boulder: Vote!, Colorado Daily 11/93

Opinion leaders of little faith, Colorado Daily 10/93

For real change, call this number, Colorado Daily 8/93

Under Paper Crowns, Colorado Daily 5/93

Telephone Voting would foster Democracy, Boulder Daily Camera 5/16/93

Takin' the road to heaven in the middle of Maya country, Colorado Daily 5/3/93

Update Boulder, Colorado Daily 10/92

Voting by Phone Encourages Democracy, Boulder Daily Camera, 8/2/92

Boulder: A Question of Balance, Colorado Daily, 5/92

13th St. a Fair Fight? NOT!, Colorado Daily, 5/92

CU should listen more to its constituents, Colorado Daily, 4/15/92

The Bike Path that Ate Boulder, Part II" , Colorado Daily, 3/5/92

The Bike Path that Ate Boulder, Colorado Daily 12/91

Depressed? Get out and pull for democracy., Colorado Daily, 10/25/91